New Mail Notification with OfflineIMAP (or any Maildir)
signed with 0x683A22F9469CA4EBThere’s a really simple way to check for new msgs that will satisfy 90% of people who search for this:
find $HOME/mail/*/INBOX/new/ -type f | wc -l
If that’s all you need, you’re welcome.
I’m a weirdo and I have really specific needs. I don’t care about new (unread) messages, I care about new msgs between syncs (unread or not). I also want a notification when I’ve started a sync and when it’s complete.
To do this, I wrapped offlineimap with a shell script:
# Count mail
count() {
find "$HOME"/mail/*/INBOX -type f | wc -l
# Make sure offlineimap isn't already running
if [ -z "$(pgrep offlineimap)" ]; then
# Default msg
msg="Done syncing mail"
notify-send "Syncing mail..."
# Get old email count
# Get email count after sync
# Overwrite msg if new emails are found
if [ "$new" -gt "$old" ]; then
msg="$((new - old)) new emails"
notify-send "${msg}"
notify-send "Mail sync already running"